When did you get involved in EcoWomen? Why?
I joined the National EcoWomen Board in May 2022, but I’ve been a member of the EcoWomen community since the summer of 2021 when I joined the DC EcoWomen group while I was living there. Once I learned that the National Board was looking for new members, I was immediately interested. As someone newer to the environmental space at the time, I admired EcoWomen’s mission to inspire and empower women/trans/femme-identifying and nonbinary individuals to become leaders for the environmental community through educational and professional development opportunities. EcoWomen provided an opportunity to not only get involved in and learn about the environmental space, but to do so through a gendered lens. I served as the Chair of the Communications Committee for most of my time on the Board, until this month, when I was elected Vice President. I’m excited to serve in this new role and see how we can progress our work this year!
What sparked your interest in the environment/ environmental movement?
My background is in human rights, so I was drawn to the environmental space through environmental justice and intersectional environmentalism. I love that these two ideas center on the connection and inseparability of people to the earth and that they highlight the enormous impact of environmental issues on historically marginalized communities.
“Environmental justice embraces the principle that all people and communities have a right to equal protection and equal enforcement of environmental laws and regulations.” - Dr. Robert Bullard. *Learn more about environmental justice here.
“Intersectional environmentalism [is] an inclusive approach to environmentalism that advocates for the protection of both people and the planet.”- Leah Thomas. *Learn more about intersectional environmentalism here.
I’m particularly interested in learning from and amplifying the voices of diverse leaders in the environmental space, particularly those of BIPOC individuals and the LGBTQ+ community. I find it fascinating to see the ways in which the environmental, reproductive, and human rights movements converge and interconnect.
What’s something exciting that you’re working on (directly related to your career or otherwise)?
After over a decade of working on a range of human rights issues, I launched my own business, Rebecca Justus Coaching & Consulting! I’m an International Equity & Inclusion Coach and Consultant and I support leaders across the world to better understand and address racism, bias, and discrimination while advocating for equity and inclusion. Last year I also launched Reproductive Autonomy, which provides reliable, trustworthy information to enable all people (especially women, transgender individuals, and non-binary persons) to make informed reproductive decisions for themselves and to advocate for and support others in their reproductive decisions. I’m thrilled about both of these dreams-turned-realities, and it’s been great to dig deeper into the overlap between these spaces and the environmental space.
Where does the environmental movement have room for improvement?
This is a big question with many answers. The new (as of January 2025) presidential administration is already making enormous changes to the environmental; diversity, equity, and inclusion; reproductive spaces; and more. The environmental movement often feels separated into multiple camps with differing agendas. It can be hard to join forces when the movement spans every issue imaginable relating to the earth; however, that’s what must be done. In order for the environmental movement to make progress during a difficult time like this, the movement needs to show solidarity among its vast range of members and be willing to not only let different leaders take the reins but also heed their advice.
What keeps you motivated?
It can be hard to stay motivated during these times, but I like to follow environmental wins taking place across the world, whether that’s protections put in place, legal battles won, or awareness raised. I also always ensure that I’m building community with others. This work can’t be done alone and leaning on each other, especially during trying times, is one way to maintain hope and to keep progressing. Lastly, being outside! Whenever I feel disconnected or lackadaisical, I go for a walk, head to the beach, or read a book in the park. It’s comforting and reinvigorating to be reminded of what the environmental movement is fighting for, and that beauty and tranquility still exist in the world.