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Board Member Spotlight: Anne Richardson



Touring the US Botanical Garden production facility

When did you get involved in EcoWomen? Why?

I went to my first EcoHour in DC in early 2005. I had been living in metro DC for a little over two years at that point, and was looking for ways to meet people and to stay connected to the environmental movement. I loved everything about the event and looked forward to EcoHour each month. Not long after I started attending, a call went out for volunteers to assist the organization and I was delighted to respond.

How were you involved in EcoWomen?

EcoWomen was a huge part of my life for ten years. I started out as speaker coordinator, identifying, researching, and inviting women to come to speak at the monthly DC EcoHour. I then served as chair of the planning committee/executive board for DC for two years. By 2009, it had become clear that there was enough momentum behind EcoWomen that the organization needed to graduate from fiscal sponsorship status and become its own incorporated nonprofit. I led the committee to develop EcoWomen’s bylaws, file our articles of incorporation, and seek 501(c)(3) status. I was privileged to be one of the three signers of the articles of incorporation for EcoWomen, alongside the co-founders. I then served as Treasurer for the national organization for four years.

What sparked your interest in the environment/conservation?

I think it’s in my DNA. Growing up in the 80s and 90s, my parents were very conservation- and community-oriented: my dad was extremely conscientious about recycling and conserving energy; my mom helped run our local food co-op and always brought her own bags to the grocery store. They were (and still are!) big into bicycling. Being thoughtful about the use of resources is something that has been part of my life from the very beginning.

What’s your favorite EcoWomen memory?

The retreats we held at Hard Bargain Farm certainly stand out for me. Having a natural backdrop to our discussions fostered our creativity and facilitated our development of EcoWomen’s vision and mission. And then planning our five-year anniversary celebration at the US Botanical Garden in 2009 is another favorite memory. That was such a fun evening.

What keeps you motivated?

I have so many quotes saved from things I’ve read over the years. When I’m feeling stuck, or just need some inspiration, there’s always something in that file that resonates and picks me up. Recently, I’ve found myself gravitating toward this one:

“Leaders, whatever field they work in, have a strong impact on people’s lives

and on how the world develops. We should remember that we are visitors

on this planet. We are here for 90 or 100 years at most. During this time,

we should work to leave the world a better place.” — The Dalai Lama


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